AuditISX is a Freeware.Net application and Open Source toolkit for auditing Microsoft Windows workstations, servers, and networks. Currently, AuditISX supports over 150 pieces of information about your Windows based systems. Using the AuditISX.Net Framework, you can save your data as a text file (.txt), or XML file (.xml). You can save all your information, or just save specific pieces, to one of the following formats: ■ Text file (.txt) ■ XML file (.xml) ■ Microsoft Access Database (2000 or higher) ■ Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, MSDE, SQL Express Once you have installed the utility, you can begin saving your information, with a few simple clicks. Setting up: When you run the AuditISX program for the first time, you will need to setup a few items. To begin, simply click the start button on your toolbar and enter: “services.msc” Make sure you are logged into an Administrator account, because you will need to "Run As Administrator" to access the services under Windows, and to use Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). For each new audit you perform, you will need to setup some default information, and then you will need to save your audit data. For example, you might setup your default settings as follows: ■ AUDIT TYPE: Audit Type: "Local System" ■ AUDIT USER: Audit User: "Administrator" ■ AUDIT PATH: Audit Path: "C:\Program Files\SOSOSAudit" ■ AUDIT LOCAL: Audit Path: "C:\Program Files\SOSOSAudit\AUDIT_TEMP.TXT" ■ AUDIT TEMPLATE: Audit Template ■ AUDIT PASSWORD: Audit Password ■ AUDIT PASSWORD SECOND PASSWORD: Audit Password Again ■ AUDIT LOG PASSWORD: Audit Log Password ■ AUDIT LOG PASSWORD SECOND PASSWORD: Audit Log Password Again After setting up your default settings, you can now use your mouse to begin to "Audit" your system. Once you are done, you can close AuditISX and save
The following are keys available to view or change (keyvalue) certain registry entries: ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services Control Service List ========================== Value Type Default Description ========================== Service Name [string] SYSTEM WINDOWS Default Service List ============================= Enable [bit] FALSE Install Service [ [ [ ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services Current Service List ========================== Value Type Default Description ========================== Service Name [string] SQL Server Windows Default Service List ============================= Enable [bit] FALSE Install Service [ [ [ ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\IRMProvider Current IRM Provider Service List ============================== Value Type Default Description ============================== Service Name [string] IRM Provider Windows Default Service List ============================= Enable [bit] FALSE Install Service [ [ [ ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MSSQLInstanceService Current MSSQL Instance Service List ========================== Value Type Default Description ========================== Service Name [string] MSSQL Windows Default Service List ============================= Enable [bit] FALSE Install Service [ [ [ ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WindowsErrorReporting Current Windows Error Reporting Service List ========================== Value Type Default Description ========================== Service Name [string] Windows Error Reporting Windows Default Service List ============================= Enable [bit] FALSE Install Service [ [ [ ================= Key Description =============== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current b78a707d53
SOSOS is a simple WMI auditing program that provides several useful features that are not found in other Registry and WMI auditing programs. SOSOS is very light on system resources, and can audit systems that are either local to the machine that is running SOSOS, or systems on other machines that are networked. SOSOS is "Freeware" and is Intended for small to medium type of businesses. While there are other Registry auditing applications that may do a better job of providing more value for your money, SOSOS was designed to be a free utility that will save you from having to spend hundreds of dollars to perform an audit yourself. Benefits of SOSOS: ■ Simple and easy to use ■ Will give you a view into what is being used on the systems you are auditing ■ Reports are in a number of different formats, which can be stored in a variety of different data files. ■ Has a very powerful feature set, and can be integrated with many different types of data. ■ Reports can be saved in a number of different formats. ■ Has many useful features, and is a light weight application. AuditISX has been under development for the past 5 years. There are currently many new features planned, such as: ■ Auditing more than just the Windows Registry. For example, what about Firewalls, AV products, and other programs that monitor and report information about the computers and devices on the network? ■ Auditing Non-Microsoft software such as Linux, UNIX, and OS/2 ■ Auditing Microsoft Windows software, such as Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008, and the like. ■ Auditing hardware, such as printers, scanners, and other devices that are attached to computers and devices. ■ Auditing databases, as well as text files and XML files. ■ Reporting to databases. ■ Auditing networks ■ Auditing software that can be audited by the audit ISX software. ■ Auditing applications ■ Other improvements and features. SOSOS uses a powerful algorithm to find and list various pieces of information about the Windows computer, and can save this information in a number of different formats. SOSOS provides the following reports: ■ A run report, which will
KS AuditISX is a Windows application which allows you to audit all the hardware information on a PC, including all the software that's installed, the device drivers that's are in use, network configuration information, etc. It's a powerful tool for network administrators and computer forensic investigations. Using KS AuditISX you can monitor information and change information in the registry, get information about local and remote computers, and save the information to a number of different formats. KS AuditISX works with all Windows operating systems from XP to Windows 8.1. With KS AuditISX you can: ■ Create Auditing tasks ■ Create/update/delete tasks ■ View all events in the Events Log ■ Search for errors/events in the Event Log ■ View the log files in a graphical manner ■ View the log files in a tabular manner ■ Save all your audit information in a list ■ Filter the events by event-source and event-category ■ Filter the events by severity ■ Filter the events by source and type ■ Filter the events by custom severity ■ Filter the events by date/time ■ Filter the events by user Auditing options: ■ Run without any Options ■ Run with the Maximum Possible Options ■ Run with one Option at a time ■ Run with multiple Options at a time ■ Run with 1 specific Option at a time ■ Choose a Specific Option after the Application has Launched ■ Choose a Specific Option after the Application has Stopped Useful features of KS AuditISX: ■ Auditing of hardware devices ■ Auditing of the Windows registry ■ Prints all audited information to the Printer ■ Saves all audit information to a text file, xml file, or access database file ■ Save to a text file, xml file, access database file, and sql server database file ■ Search for event information in the Events Log ■ View a log file graphically ■ View a log file tabularly ■ View the log file in a treeview Recommended for: ■ Large Companies with PCs running Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and Windows 10 ■ Large Companies with PCs running Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012, and Windows Server 2016 Control... └─└─└
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